Northeast Delta HSA and Christal Wheeler Productions presents "Under Construction." Christal Wheeler was selected to direct NEDSHA's newest psychodrama which is set to hit the Jack Howard Theatre on November 4th. Our Why: "NEDHSA Executive Director Dr. Monteic A. Sizer said the agency "intends to help make Northeast Louisiana a regional creative hub, a preferred destination that will generate much-needed regional economic development, diversity, job creation, and more." "Under Construction" is an original body of work inspired by Philippians 1:6. When we hear the words "Under Construction," we know there is incomplete work. We tend to focus on what that work will look like when it is completed and not appreciate the process which makes the finished product great. We also don't expect the construction to deviate from its original plan but happens all too often in life. This show will focus on our individual construction and the factors that build us into the people we become over time. We will explore the roadblocks, detours, and distractions that come in the form of addictions that many may encounter on this road called life. The situations presented will show how seemingly innocent repetitive actions can develop into significant distractions that delay our progress.
Saturday Nov 4, 2023
2:30 PM - 9:30 PM CDT
Saturday, November 4th 2:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M.
Monroe Civic Center Jack Howard Theatre 401 Lea Joyner Memorial Expy Monroe, LA 71201
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Dylan Jung (
Public Information Director:
DeRon Talley (
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1811 Auburn Avenue, Suite 01, Monroe, LA 71201 – (318) 323-3461 –